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Spacecraft never travel in straight lines. But let's say you could.

The closest that Pluto can ever be to the earth is about 3.577 billion miles.

At 65 miles per hour in a straight line, you're talking 6,278 years! (rounded)

Be sure to take enough bottled water, M & Ms, and reading material for the trip.

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Q: How long will it take to get to Pluto from earth going 65 miles an hour?
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How long is it from Pluto to Earth?

The distance from Earth to Pluto is not constant, but averages to 3.57 billion miles. The Space Shuttle orbits at 17,500 miles per hour. Therefore 205,000 hours or 8,500 days or 23 years 105 days

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Pluto orbits the sun at an average speed of about 10,500 miles per hour (17,700 kilometers per hour). It takes approximately 248 Earth years for Pluto to complete one orbit around the sun due to its distance and elliptical orbit.

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How long would it take to get to Pluto to earth?

For light, it takes between 4 and 6 hours, depending on exactly where Pluto (and Earth) are in their orbits. For any kind of material object, it's going to take significantly longer. The New Horizons spacecraft was launched in January 2006 with a launch speed higher than any spacecraft before or since, and it still hasn't reached Pluto (it's scheduled to whiz by Pluto at about 30,000 miles per hour on 14 July 2015).

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