It is 123 miles and an estimated 2 hours and 13 minutes of driving time according to Google Maps.
1.64 hours
It depends on how fast you are driving. For example, If you are driving 60 miles per hour it would take 20 hours 30 minutes. If you are driving 10 miles per hour it would take 123 hours.
If you don't make any stops or slow down, it will take about 1 hour and 53 minutes of total driving time at a constant speed of 65 mph.
The driving distance is 123 miles.
It is 123 miles according to Google Maps.
1 hour 53 minutes at 65 mph
123 miles / 197 km
197km / 123 miles.
About 123 miles / 198km
The driving distance is approximately 123 road miles. The driving time will be about 2 hours and 10 minutes, depending on your speed and traffic conditions.
198 km. 123 miles of driving distance