38 minutes 24 seconds.
It depends on the speed you are going. For instance, if you are going 4 mph, it would take 1 hour to go 4 miles. If you were going 8 mph, it would take 30 minutes to go 4 miles. If you were going 16 mph, it would take 15 minutes to go 4 miles.
1 knot - 1.2 mph, 1.2 * 16 = 19.20, 3500 miles/19.20 = 182.30 hours/24 hours in the day = 7.60 days.
3 minutes and 45 seconds
16 minutes.
16 miles per hour 152 miles divided by 16 = 9.5 hours
32 minutes.
About 16 minutes.
16 hours.
3 hours 16 minutes
16 minutes 37 seconds at 65 mph.
2 hours 16 minutes.
4 hours 16 minutes.
16 hours 48 minutes.
16 hours 34 minutes.
At 60 mph your speed is one mile a minute, so the answer has to be 16 minutes.
16/35 = 0.45714 hour = 27minutes 25.715seconds (rounded)