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The distance between Earth and Saturn is not constant and depends on where they are in their orbits around the sun. They are at their closest when both are on the same side of the sun, and at their furthest from each other when on the opposite sides of the sun. Neither has a perfectly circular orbit, but for simplicity I will take the average distances from the sun. Earth is 93 million miles from the sun, and Saturn is approximately 888.188 million miles from the sun. So, at their closest they are 888,188,000 - 93,000,000 miles apart (795,188,000 miles) and at their furthest they are 888,188,000 + 93,000,000 miles apart (981,188,000 miles).
At 65 mph the shorter distance would take 795,188,000 / 65 = 12,233,661.54 hours (approximately 1,395½ years) and the longer distance would take 981,188,000 / 65 = 15,095,200 hours (approximately 1,722 years).

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