

Best Answer

depends on how long you walk and at what constant rate of time you are going if you use


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Q: How long will it take to walk 13 miles?
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How long would it take to walk 000.66 miles?

Roughly 13 minutes.

How long it take to walk 39.9 miles?

People walk at different speeds, averaging about 3 miles per hour. On that basis, it could take 13 hours and 18 minutes to walk 39.9 miles.

How much time does it take to walk 13 miles then run 13 miles?

It depends on how fast you walk and run.

How long would it take a 13 year old girl to walk a thousand miles?

about 2 weeks non stop

How long would it take to walk from alabama to california at two miles an hour?

It will take about 37 hrs to get from Alabama to California and that is 1 day and 13 hrs.

How long it take to walk 13miles?

Most people walk 2.5 to 3.5 miles per hour. Let's say 3 mph for you. 13 miles divided by 3 mph is 4.3 = 4 hours 20 minutes.

How long does it take to walk 3000 feet?

I think it would be 13 to 15 minute walk

How long it take to walk 3000 feet?

I think it would be 13 to 15 minute walk

How long would it take to go 13 miles going 60mph?

It would take approximately 13 minutes to travel 13 miles at a speed of 60 miles per hour.

How long will it take to travel 4 miles at 13 miles per hour?

240/13 minutes

How many minutes would it take to walk 1.5 miles?

15 to 17 minutes at average walk pace and 12- 13 minutes at slow power walk

How long would it take a human to walk 350 miles?

The average human walking speed is around 2.8 mph per wikipedia. Therefore the "average human" if capable of non-stop walking without breaks could walk 350 miles in ~125 hours. Or 5 days and 5 hours of continuous walking. But how long would it take to walk 500 miles, and how long to walk 500 more, just the be the man who walks a thousand miles to fall down at your door?