One knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hour. So for 535 nautical miles at 6 knots, 535 nautical miles/6 knots=535 nautical miles/6 nautical miles per hour=535/6 hours which is about 89.2 hours (89 hours and 10 minutes).
how much fuel is needed to travel 850 nautical miles going 25 knots in a 46 foot searay cruiser
15 knots = 15 nautical miles per hour, so 1/3 hour or 20 minutes
About 10.41 days at 6 knots.
No. The two units are not comparable. Miles per hour is a speed. Knots per hour is an acceleration. However, I think the question was wrongly phrased and by knots per hour the question actually meant just knots (nautical miles per hour.) A nautical mile is longer than a mile: 1 nautical mile = ~1.15 miles. So 19 knots = 1.15 * 19 miles per hour = 21.85 mph. The answer is: Yes (if by knots/hr the question really meant knots) or No (if the question was initially correctly phrased.)
No way to tell. Knots is a measurement of speed, nautical miles is distance. 16 knots is 16 nautical miles/hour, so it'd depend on how long the craft would keep going.
There are 20,000 knots in 10 nautical miles.
1 knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hour. To convert knots to nautical miles, simply multiply the speed in knots by the time in hours. For example, if a boat is traveling at 10 knots for 4 hours, it would cover 40 nautical miles.
No, nautical knots and airplane speed knots are not the same measurement. Nautical knots measure speed in nautical miles per hour, while airplane speed knots measure speed in nautical miles per hour as well but in the context of aviation.
One knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hour. So for 535 nautical miles at 6 knots, 535 nautical miles/6 knots=535 nautical miles/6 nautical miles per hour=535/6 hours which is about 89.2 hours (89 hours and 10 minutes).
how much fuel is needed to travel 850 nautical miles going 25 knots in a 46 foot searay cruiser
Knots (not Knots per hour) are nautical miles per hour. So the answer is 902 divided by 7 which is 128.86 hours
Nautical Miles or Knots are used throughout Aviation, not just on the 777.
One knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour. Therefore, 26 knots is equal to 26 nautical miles.
A league ************************ That's a very old term! Nautical miles
15 knots = 15 nautical miles per hour, so 1/3 hour or 20 minutes
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour time = distance ÷ speed = 140 nautical miles ÷ 20 nautical miles per hour = 7 hours.