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It depends on his/her age, how fast he/she is and the severity of cerebral palsy.

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Q: How long would it take a child with cerebral palsy to walk 50 meters?
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Where can one make a cerebral palsy claim?

One can make a cerebral palsy claim by contacting a Lawyer or a cerebral palsy solicitor. This is very useful if one would like to procure compensation.

A video about cerebral palsy with spastic quadriplegia?

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Where can one find more information about Cerebral Palsy?

There are many places online where one may find information about Cerebral Palsy. The most notable websites would be sites such as Wikipedia and WebMD.

Can someone have cerebral palsy without being physically disabled?

Unfortunately, no. Cerebral palsy is defined as a disease that attacks the brain (the cerebrum, mostly) and causes handicap in body movement, so I would say it's mostly likely that if you are diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, you are going to be physically disabled in one way or another.

What methods can be used when treating cerebral palsy?

The most common treatment methods for cerebral palsy are therapies. The type of therapy would depend on the degree of cerebral palsy, but most often include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech/Language Therapy. It could also include music therapy, art therapy and educational services. If there are severe physical problems the child may need to see an orthopedic specialist and sometimes surgery is required to treat back and muscle problems.

Who wasis Karen Killilea and what was her Miracle cure from Visual problems deafness what?

Karen Killilea was a woman who gained fame in the 1950s for defying doctors' predictions about her severe disabilities. Despite being born with cerebral palsy, she was able to learn to walk and communicate, which was seen as miraculous at the time. Her story inspired many and led to advancements in the treatment and understanding of cerebral palsy.

How do you know when a child with cerebral pasly is hungry?

I have cerebral palsy. There are many different severities of cerebral palsy. I am able to speak, walk, and do many other things that a lot of kids with CP cannot do. But to answer your question, there are many ways. If you have a child with CP that doesn't communicate through speech, then you and the child could create a variety of signs, for instance, if the child is hungry, they could pat their stomach. Some severities would scream. then you could ask the child, "Are you hungry?" If they cant speak, then you could formulate a system where yes is one blink and no is two, or shaking the head is yes, and blinking is no. Some children with CP may want to have a computer to communicate.

Does it cost to have a guide dog for a cerebral palsy in an aging person?

If the person has cerebral palsy and or is aging they would not need a guide dog, guide dogs are for blind. They may need a service animal or service dog, and does it cost, usually yes but I can not answer how much with the information you provided.

Is cerebral palsy curable?

Cerebral palsy is a lifelong condition without a cure. However, treatment options such as therapy, medications, and assistive devices can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life for individuals with cerebral palsy. Early intervention and ongoing care can help individuals with cerebral palsy reach their full potential.

Does joe cocker have cerebral palsy?

If Joe Cocker had cerebral palsy it would show. Whether it is minor, or severe people would know if something was different. That is the last thing people with cp want, is to be treated differently from everyone else. But it would still be noticeable one way or another. One other thing, if Joe Cocker has cp, his parents would have know more than likely before his first birthday.

Is cerebal palsy a mental health problem?

No, Cerebral Palsy is a neurological disorder, meaning it's a disorder of the central nervous system. A mental health problem would be psychological like schizophrenia or depression.

How do I choose a good cerebral palsy lawyer?

That would depend on where you live. However, there is a national list at this site that may help you: