A little under 2 minutes.
It would be approx 1827.7 miles.
112.86 hrs.
At an average 60 mph, it would take 81.77 minutes. At an average 81.77 mph, it would take one hour.
This would depend on how fast the horse is going. Without the speed there is no answer. The average speed of the average horse is about 12 mph.
Given that the average person walks about 3 miles per hour, then it would take them 4 hours to walk 12 miles.
The distance between Buenos Aires and Mexico City are 7,380 kilometers (4,587 miles). The average person walks at a speed of 5 kilometers (3 miles) an hour. Without stopping, the average person would take 63 days to walk such distance.
Depends on how fast you're walking, the average person walks about 3.5 MPH and it would take about 975.14 hours.
Walking at about 3 miles an hour, it would take 1370 hours and 40 minutes. Walking at 12 hours a day, that would take 114 days.
3.5 kilometers is equal to about 2.11 miles. On average it would take a person 40 minutes to an hour and five minutes.
An average, non-competitive walking rate is 3 to 4 miles per hour.So 2,670 miles would take 667 to 890 hours ... between 83 and 111eight-hour days of walking.
60,000 miles long for an average child but 100,000 miles long for an adult. It's crazy!
If they maintained an average speed of 50 mph, the time to drive 22 miles would be about 26 minutes. You would have to add time for stops, detours and other delays.
2 hrs and 39 minutes
A little under 2 minutes.
If you mean traveling wise, then the average person walks 2-3 mph. Given that equation then the travel time for 450 miles would be around 150-225 hours. Now if you mean how long it is in feet, then it would be it would equate to 2,376,000 feet.
It depends on your average speed