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depends on the denomination of the dollar, a penny will take alot longer then 100 bills, also depends if you can count past 10

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Q: How long would it take to count 5000 dolars?
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How long would it take to count 5000 dollars?

Naturally that depends on how fast you count. If you count one dollar bill every second, then it would take you 5,000 seconds, which is 1 hour 23 minutes 20seconds.

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it depends on how fast you count. If you count one number every second it would take 300,000 seconds which is 5000 minutes or 83 hours if you can stay awake that long. If you count ten numbers a second that is about 8.3 hours

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It depends on how long you count. (Taylor wrotee thiss) EMS! oct 15,2009 day before my birthday!

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depends how fast you count but if u count by seconds it would take about 100 seconds if u count too 120 it would take u 120 seconds or to be more closer 2 minutes

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