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Time = Distance/Speed = 72/40 = 1.8 huors = 1 hour and 48 minutes.

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Q: How long would it take to travel 72 miles if driving at 40 miles per hour?
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What is 8 miles Driving?

It depends on the speed you are driving. At 50 miles per hour, you would travel 8 miles in 6.25 minutes.

How many miles can you travel if you are driving 80 mph for 1 hour?

80mph = 80 miles/hour If you drive for one hour at 80 miles/hour, you will travel 80 miles.

How long would it take to travel 2304 miles driving at 50 miles per hour?

46hours 4minutes 48seconds of actual driving time.

If a car is driving 55 miles per hour how many feet will it travel in 1 second?

In 1 hour, a car driving at 55 miles per hour will travel 80.67 feet per second. So in 1 second, it would travel around 80.67 feet.

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If the speed is constant, it will take 11 hours.

How far would bikers travel in 1 hour if they were traveling 8 miles per hour?

Really? ... 8 MILES PER HOUR! The would travel EIGHT MILES IN AN HOUR!

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70 miles.

If your driving at 75 miles per hour how long would it take to travel 650 miles?

Type your answer here... 8 hr,40 min

How many seconds would it take to travel 200 feet driving at 25 miles per hour?

It would take 5.45 seconds.

How long does it take to drive 52.6 miles?

That depends on the speed at which you are driving. For example, if you are driving 52.6 miles/hour, it would take an hour to drive that far. If you are driving 23.8 miles/hour, it would take two hours to drive that far.

How long does it take to travel 40 miles driving at 60 miles per hour?

40 minutes

How many hours is 195 miles driving?

It depends on how fast you travel. If you went 195 miles per hour then it would only take you one hour. If you traveled at 100 mph then it would take you about 2 hours