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20/4 = 5 hours

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Q: How long would it take to walk 20 miles at a speed of 4mph?
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4595 hours

How long would it take to walk 70 miles?

Average walking speed is 4mph so around 17.5 hrs. but you may have to stop for food & drink,

How long does it take a man cycling at 10mph to catch up with one who cycles at only 6mph but started 3 hours before?

After three hours the first cyclist is 6 x 3 = 18 miles ahead. The speed of the second cyclict, when he starts, is 4mph relative to the first. So it will take him 18 miles/4mph = 4.5 hours to close the gap.

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it depends on your average speed and the type of ground you are walking over. For example on a flat even surface you may achieve about 4mph, in which case 90 miles will take just over 22 hours.

How long will it take you to go 20 miles at 4mph?

It will take: 20/4 = 5 hours

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That depends on your speed.

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That depends on your speed.

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It depends on the time of year and where in Africa.

How long would it take the speed of light to travel 2780.82 miles?

The speed of light is ~186,282 Miles per second. You do the math.

How long of a drive is 29 miles?

Depends on the speed. Assuming 60 miles per hour, that would be about half an hour.Depends on the speed. Assuming 60 miles per hour, that would be about half an hour.Depends on the speed. Assuming 60 miles per hour, that would be about half an hour.Depends on the speed. Assuming 60 miles per hour, that would be about half an hour.

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it depends on your speed

How long would it take to drive 317 miles?

Depends on your speed.