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Q: How loud is 80 decibels from 3ft away?
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It would be about 80 decibels if you were nearby.

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Thunder is the sound lightning makes and can range from 80 to 120 decibels.

How many decibles in a loud shout?

A loud shout can range from 80 to 90 decibels, which is similar to the noise level of a lawnmower or heavy traffic.

What are waves measured in?

•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz

What units are waves measured in?

•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz

What unit are sound waves measured in?

•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz

How many decibels is a donkeys bray?

That depends on the size of the donkey. I would expect a 14hh donkey in a quiet area to be able to call to another 3 miles away.

How many decibels is a cap gun?

They range from 80 to 110 db, depending on the type or cap and the distance from the ear its being measured to.

How loud are washing machine spinning?

Washing machine spinning typically produces noise levels between 70-80 decibels, which is equivalent to a vacuum cleaner or city traffic. The actual noise level can vary depending on the model and maintenance of the washing machine.

How loud is a blender?

A blender typically produces noise levels ranging from 80 to 100 decibels, depending on the model and its settings. It is considered loud enough to potentially cause hearing damage with prolonged exposure.

What amount of decibls constitutes a shout?

80 decibels

Which is louder 60 or 70 decibels?

40 dB gain change should give about the ratio of 16 for sensed volume and loudness, 40 dB gain change gives the ratio of 100 for measured voltage and sound pressure and 40 dB gain change gives the ratio of 1000 for calculated sound power and acoustic intensity. Go to the link: Subjectively perceived loudness (volume), objectively measured sound pressure (voltage), and theoretically calculated sound intensity (acoustic power).