feet in a nautical mile
1/8 of a mile is 660 feet. 660 feet is 7280 inches. 7280 inches is 20116.8 cm or 201.168 m
1 mile 4 feet (there are 5280 feet in a mile)
.25 mile *5280 feet/1 mile=1320 feet in one fourth of a mile.
One mile is 5,280 feet. 0.1 mile (1/10 mile) is 528 feet.
5280 feet in a mile
5280 feet in a mile
A mile. A mile has 5280 feet while 1600 meters has 5249.3438 feet. A difference of 30.6562 feet.
feet in a nautical mile
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, seven tenths of a mile is equal to 7/10 x 5280 = 3696 feet.
5280 5,280 feet = 1 mile Measurement conversions are easily answered by almost any search engine.
There are 5,280 feet in a US/UK mile.This is also known as an American mile, British mile, Imperial mile, English mile, or European mile. Its length has been agreed and fixed at precisely 1,609.344 meters by legal statute. Consequently it is also known as the 'statute mile.'But there are also other types of 'mile.'List of 'feet in a mile' in some of the more well-known systems of linear measurement:5,280 feet in a statute mile6,080 feet in the UK nautical mile6,076.1155 feet in the International nautical mile (1852 meters)5,279.989 'US Survey feet' in a mile5,920 feet in an old Scots mile5,000 Roman feet in the old Roman mile1500 m 'Metric mile' (used in sports) = 4,921.26 feet1600 m 'Metric mile' (used in some school sports) = 5,249.34 feetThere are 5280 feet in a mileThere are 5280 feet in a mile. An easy way to remember this is 5 tomatoes (5, to-2, ate-8, oes-0)
1/8 of a mile is 660 feet. 660 feet is 7280 inches. 7280 inches is 20116.8 cm or 201.168 m
1 mile in any direction = 5280 ft. But if you are asking how many diagonal feet in 1 square mile, the answer is 7467.0476
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore to get amount of miles in feet, value in feet has to be divided by amount of feet in one mile: 330 feet = [feet] / 5280 = 330 / 5280 = 0.625 miles
A mile is a distance. It has no area, and neither do any of its parts.
There are 5,280 feet in one mile.