1 million centimeters is 10km
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, 1000000 centimetres is equal to 1000000/10 = 100000 centimetres.
50,000 20 dollar bills to make a million dollars
To determine how many 250s make 1 million, you would divide 1,000,000 by 250. This calculation results in 4,000. Therefore, 4,000 units of 250 make 1 million.
3.6 kilometres is equal to 360,000 centimetres. There are 100,000 centimetres in a kilometre.
It would be 3 cm.
1 million centimeters is 10km
4 metres = 400 centimetres
There are 3.94 inches in 10 centimetres.
2000 centimetres = 20 metres
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, 1000000 centimetres is equal to 1000000/10 = 100000 centimetres.
9. 92/10 is 9.2, but the 0.2 would not make a full length
There are 100 centimetres in one metre. Therefore, 100000000 centimetres is equal to 100000000/100 = 1000000 metres.
There are 100 centimetres in one metre. Therefore, 3500000 centimetres is equal to 3500000/100 = 35000 metres.
50,000 20 dollar bills to make a million dollars