To find out how many times 40 can go into 513, you would perform division. When you divide 513 by 40, you get 12 with a remainder of 33. This means that 40 can go into 513 a total of 12 times, with 33 left over.
92-40=52-42=12 so 2
12.5 times or 12 with remainder 20.
40 goes into 52 one time with a remainder of 12. This is because 40 multiplied by 1 equals 40, which is the largest multiple of 40 that is less than 52. The remainder is calculated by subtracting 40 from 52, resulting in 12.
The answer is 13 with remainder 1, or 13⅓ = 13.3 recurring.
6 R 12
1 with remainder 12.
40 can go into 172 4 times with a remainder of 12, or 4.3 times.
92-40=52-42=12 so 2
12.5 times or 12 with remainder 20.
The answer is 13 with remainder 1, or 13⅓ = 13.3 recurring.
40 8x5=40 5x8 :/
are you serious? go to your calculator on the accessories menu of your computer. put in this exactly. 40 / 12 =
3 with 4 remaining 40 - 4 = 36 = 12 x 3
14 goes into 40 2 times. (with a remainder of 12)14 x 2 = 2840 - 28 = 12