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49 plus ten percent for breakage. Get 54.

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Q: How many 12x12 inch blocks placed 6 inches apart to cover a 10x10 foot area?
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144 121 100 81 64?

12x12 11x11 10x10 9x9 8x8

How many 16x16 blocks would you need to lay for a 12x12 area?

Be more specific with your question. Are the blocks measured in inches, feet, millimeters, centimeters etc. Same applies to the area.

How many inches are in 12ft 7 inches?

151 inches. 12x12 + 7.

What is the name of 9x12 paper?

12x12 paper is 12 inches on each side; the area of a sheet of 12x12 paper is 144 square inches or one square foot.

How many 12x12 inch blocks do you need to lay for a 8 square foot area?

If you have an eight square foot area, and the tiles are 112x12-inches, you will need eight. If what you meant to say was an eight foot square area, that would be 64 square feet, and you would need 64 tile. Sorry! In the first line above should read, "...and the tiles are 12x12-inches..."

How many 12x12 tiles needed for a 10 x 10 room?

To calculate the number of 12x12 tiles needed for a 10x10 room, you first need to find the area of the room. A 10x10 room has an area of 100 square feet. Since each 12x12 tile covers 1 square foot, you would need 100 tiles to cover the entire room.

How may 12x12 inches tiles needed for 12x10 feet room?


How many 12x12 pavers for 12x12 patio?

144 Assuming paver is 12x12 INCHES and patio is 12x12 FEET One paver in corner to start needs 12 of them for one row 12 feet along; then same upwards. So 12 times 12 pavers = 144 total.

How many 12x12 tiles do i need to cover a 132 sq ft area?

If you mean 12x12 "inches", then each tile covers 1 square foot. We trust you can take it from there.

12 feet equals how many inches?

Answer144 inches it is 144 inches because 12x12 is 144

How many 12x12 tiles needed for 399 sq feet?

If they are 12 inches x 12 inches then you would need 399 tiles.

How many inches are there in cubic foot?

by definition there are 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot. 12x12=144 144x12=1728 12x12x12=1728