To determine how many times 16 goes into 82, you would perform long division. When you divide 82 by 16, you get 5 with a remainder of 2. This means that 16 goes into 82 five times with a remainder of 2.
7 ÷ 82 = 7/82 ≈ 0.0854.
LCM of 82 and 16 = 656
11 R 5
The GCF of 16 and 82 is 2.
To determine how many times 16 goes into 82, you would perform long division. When you divide 82 by 16, you get 5 with a remainder of 2. This means that 16 goes into 82 five times with a remainder of 2.
Well, honey, 5 goes into 82 a total of 16 times with a remainder of 2. So, technically, you can fit 5 into 82 exactly 16 times before you're left with a little leftover. Math can be a real stickler for precision, can't it?
The answer will depend on the units used for the two given measures: 16 and 82. 16 ft x 82 ft will have quite a different area to 16 metres x 82 metres.
7 ÷ 82 = 7/82 ≈ 0.0854.
about 16 * * * * * No. 16 oz = 1 lb so 82 oz = 5.125 lbs
82 multiplied by 16 is 1,312.
LCM of 82 and 16 = 656
48 goes into 82 once with remainder 34.
11 R 5
The GCF of 16 and 82 is 2.
3 R 16
To determine how many times 3 goes into 246, you would divide 246 by 3. The quotient of this division is 82, meaning that 3 goes into 246 a total of 82 times without any remainder. This is because 82 multiplied by 3 equals 246.