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46 bricks; add a few more for waste and cutting

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Q: How many 16x16 inch bricks would I need to lay for a 9x9 patio?
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How many 16x16 inch bricks would you need to lay fa a 13x24 patio?

19 1/2 tiles plus you want to add 10% for waste

How many 16x16 inch bricks would you need for a 144 foot patio?

Is that 144 square feet, as in 12' x 12'?If that is the case, you would need a minimum of 81 bricks. If the patio is indeed square, or 12' by 12', each side is 144", or 9 16" bricks. 9 x 9 = 81 bricks.If the patio is not square, you may need extra bricks on one or both sides if the width is not evenly divisible by 16 inches.

How many 16x16 inch pavers would you need to cover 8x17 feet patio area?

78.47 Pavers

How many 3x8 inch bricks would you need to lay for a 12x16 patio?

between 1100 and 1200 bricks

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you would need 12...

How many 3x8 bricks for a 10 foot by 4 foot patio?

About 240 three inch by eight inch bricks would be need for create a ten foot by four foot patio. It would be preferable to purchase another 24 or 10 percent more for wastage.

How many 12x12 inch bricks would you need to build a 20x20 patio?

A 12 x 12 inch brick is 1 square foot. A 20 x 20 (foot) patio is 400 square feet, so you would need 400 bricks.. this assumes you are butting the bricks fairly tight, not leaving large seperations between them, etc...

How many 12 inch patio bricks do we need to build a 12 foot by 12 foot patio?


How many 12 inch bricks would you need to lay for a 12 x 13 foot patio?


How many16x16 inch bricks would you need to cover a 20x20 foot patio?

225 bricks. 16in * 16in = 256 sq. in. 20ft = 240in. 240in * 240 in = 57,600 sq. in. 57,600 sq. in. / 256 sq. in. = 225. 225 bricks is your answer.

How many 16X16 inch pavers do you need for a 16 foot by 16 foot patio?

In a perfect world, 225 will do it. In real life, better buy about 300

How many 12 x 12 bricks for an 18 x 24 foot patio?

432 x 12 inch x 12 inch bricks for an area 18 feet x 24 feet