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Q: How many 20 pound arctic foxes would weigh about as much as 2000 pound beluga whale?
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How many 20-pound Arctic foxes would weigh as much as a 2000 pound beluga whale?


How many 20 pound Arctic foxes would weigh as much as a 2000 pound beluga whale?

2000 / 20 = 100 of them .

How many 20-pound Arctic foxes weigh as much as a 2000 pound beluga whale?

100 x 20 = 2000

How many 20-pound Arctic foxes would weigh about as much as a 2000 pound beluga whale?


How many 20 pound arctic fox would weigh about as much as a 2000 pound beluga whale?


How many 2000 pounds beluga whales would weigh as much as one 120000-pound right whale?

60 beluga whales

How many 2000-pound beluga whales would weigh as much as one 120000-pound rigth whale?

i think the same number

How many 2000 beluga whales would weigh as much as one 120000-pound right whale?

60 beluga whales

How many 2000 pound beluga whales would weigh as much as 12000 pound right whale?

12000/2000 = 12/2 = 6

How many 2000 pound beluga whales would weigh as much as one 120000 pound right whales?

devide 120,000 with 2000 you will get 600

How much does a muose weigh?

A mouse typically weighs around 0.5 to 1 ounce (14 to 28 grams).

What is the difference between male and female Arctic foxes?

One way to tell the difference between a male and female fox is by their length. Female foxes are usually larger than male foxes. Males tend to weigh more than female fox as well as have broader heads than females.___Annie