With 123 digits you can make 123 one-digit numbers.
There are 192.
89,999 different numbers i guess
∞ \ Infinite
10 digits are numbers in the billions.
There are 900 three-digit numbers, ranging from 100 to 999.
With 123 digits you can make 123 one-digit numbers.
There are 192.
89,999 different numbers i guess
∞ \ Infinite
10 digits are numbers in the billions.
2*3*3*3*3 = 162
there are 899 whole numbers that have three digits.
Assuming you are treating each number as a number and not as an individual unit, the numbers you can make from these digits are 899, 989 and 998.
You can make 24 numbers by rearranging the digits. However, you can make vastly more if you allow mathematical operations on the digits. For example, 3+5*8-6 = 37.
Ten different digits can be used to make 10C4 = 10*9*8*7/(4*3*2*1) = 210 four-digit numbers. Either numbers starting with 0 are permitted or the 10 digits do not contain a 0.