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Q: How many 30 minutes in a day?
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How many minutes a day should you read?

At least 30 minutes.

How many minutes of exercising should you do a day?

30 to 60 minutes

How many minutes in a 30 day mouth?

Each day has 24 hours. Each hour 60 minutes. So there are 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes in one day. In 30 days there are 30 x 1440 = 43200 minutes.

How many 30 seconds are there in a day?

2880 half-minutes per day.

A clock that gains 30 second every hour will gain how many minutes in a day?

A clock that gain 30 second every hour will gain how many minutes in a day?

How many minutes do healthy infants cry each day?

30-50 minutes daily

How many minuits do you need to exersice a day?

depending on the person around 30 minutes a day.

How many minutes of exercise are required daily to keep heart healthy?

about 30 minutes per day

How many minutes 4 half-hours?

1 day=24 hours 1 hour=60 minutes 1 minutes=60 seconds 4 hours 30 minutes=___________minutes =( 4x60 )minutes+30 minutes =240 minutes+30 minutes =270 minutes

How many hours of exercise should you do a day on average?

A minimum of 30 minutes.

How many time should you exercise to be active?

30 minutes of cardio a day.

How many hours should a child read in a day?

30 minutes at least