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Q: How many 3ML pens do I need if I take 40 units a day?
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Can pens be recycled?

Some pens can be recycled but some can`t. Only plastic pens can. But you need to take the ink cartage out. GO GREEN!!!

If i have 10 pens and you take away four what do you have?

Four pens

What do you need to take to a career fair?

An up to date resume or curriculum vitae, pens, note pads.

If you have ten pens and you take away four what do you have?

You have six 6 pens. 10-4=6

What if your teacher bought pens for your class all the pens cost the same price she bought as many pens as the cost in cents of each pen she spent 56.25 how many pens did she buy?

first how many people are in your class say you had 25 people.... 1. you divided 56.25 by the people in your class(25) (56.25 divided by 25= 2.25) 2. then you put it in cents= 225 take away the decimal

How many days does it take for the snifty pens to arrive?

I think it takes 2-3 days for them to arrive.

How many units in a gin and tonic?

as many as u can take :)

How many square units are an office that is 13 units by 9 units?

You take the product of the office's dimensions: 13 units x 9 units = 117 square units. The answer is 117 square units.

How many cubes would it take to make a model of a rectangular prism that is 3 units long 2 units wide 4 units high?

24 cubes 1x1x1

If I have ten pens and you take away four what do you have?

I have the four. What does this have to do with the Bible?

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How many units does it take to make origami fireworks?

It takes 12.