Because there is no year "zero" this would be 3999 BC (Before Christ) or BCE (Before the Common Era), but this year [2011] it would be 6000 years ago.
1,461,000 days are in 4000 years
200 years.
126,227,704,000 seconds
We'll have to guess what that 4000 represents. 4000 years is 1,461,000 days, give or take a few leap days. 4000 hours is 166 days, 16 hours.
1983 BCE.
4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.4000 years.
6011 Actually, not. 3999 (BC years) +2010 (AD years) = 6009. There's no year 0.
4000 years ago was 1981 BCE.
According to traditional chronology, Abraham lived from 1812 BCE to 1637 BCE, and Sarah lived from 1802 BCE to 1675 BCE. See also:Jewish history timeline
1,461,000 days are in 4000 years
4000 there are 4000 years in four millennia
200 years.
200 years.
3924 BCE is equal to 5932 years.
more than 4000