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The required resistance is 12/1.5 = 8Ω.

Five 40Ω resistors in parallel have an effective resistance of 8Ω.

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Q: How many 40 Ω resistors connected in parallel are required to carry 1.5 A on a 12.0 V line?
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What is the definition of a parallel adder?

It is a digital circuit that produces the arithmetic sum of two binary number .It can be constructed with the full adders connected in cascade,with the output carry from each full adder connected to the input carry of the next full adder in the chain.

What is the definition of parallel adder?

A parallel adder is a binary adder that can possibly form sum and carry the outputs for addend and augend words that operate on corresponding pairs addend and augend bits in parallel.

What good is N plus 1 redundancy with a UPS?

The basic idea of fault tolerance through redundancy is to size the system so that there is at least one more unit than the minimum required to carry the load. Thus, if a load is 10 amperes, a fault tolerant redundant system might have three (3) 5 ampere units in parallel;one more than is needed, hence: N+1 redundancy. The failure of any one power module leaves sufficient power available to support the whole load.

How do you solve probability problems with random numbers?

There are occasions where the probability distribution function (pdf) has to be obtained empirically (experimentally). However, it is possible that it is expensive (in time or money) to carry out repeated experiments. In such a case, it can be useful to build a mathematical model that simulates the trial. Input random numbers and the model outputs the result of the trial. In this way it is easier to carry out repeated trials and so generate the required pdf.

What are two types of waves that carry energy?

As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.

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How parallel resistors work?

When resistors are connected in parallel in an electrical circuit, they provide multiple pathways for the current to flow. This decreases the total resistance in the circuit, as the equivalent resistance is calculated differently from resistors in series. The total current is divided among the parallel resistors based on their individual resistances.

How many 176 ohm resistors in parallel are required to carry 5A on a 220V line?

1 resistor has 176ohm resistance (in paralel) ---> given current (I) = 5 A Potential difference (V) = 220 V total resistance = V/I = 220/5 = 44 let the number of resistors be x , 176/x = 44 x = 176/44 = 4 therefore the number of resistors is 4. :)

How do you perform Parallel Adder Addition?

A binary parallel adder is a digital function that produces arithmetic sum of two binary numbers in parallel. It consists of full-adder combinational arrangement thus, the output carry from one full adder connected to the input carry of next full- adder.

What is the definition of a parallel adder?

It is a digital circuit that produces the arithmetic sum of two binary number .It can be constructed with the full adders connected in cascade,with the output carry from each full adder connected to the input carry of the next full adder in the chain.

Are ripple carry adders and binary parallel adders same?

Yes and no. The ripple carry adder is one type of parallel adder. Other parallel adder types include the pipelined parallel adder and the carry look-ahead adderamongst others.

How can Propagation delay be avoided in a parallel adder?

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can use 400mm THW,RHW,RUH (rating: 400mm = 388amperes)

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Will the current reaching a lamp after passing through a resistor in series be equalwhy?

A: Because both item are connected is series. Any resistance connected in series will carry the same current no matter of the resistance value or the number of resistors. However for an incandescence lamp the value will change when turn on and change when it is hot, That is because lamps have different property then resistance when cold and hot

Why are resistors useful in electric circuits?

The only reason i can think of this making sense is that it makes the calculation for total resistance easier. Other then that i can't see any benefit from having resistors with similar ratings. The formula for finding total resistance in a parallel circuit is Rt=1/1/r1+1/r2+1/rn... If all the resistors are the same, you can do the calculation in your head a lot easier.

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