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Q: How many 40 cm piece of string 100 meters?
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Can a piece of string only be 100 meters long?

No, a piece of string can be longer than 100 meters, depending on its material and how it is made. The length of string can vary based on the type of material used, such as nylon, cotton, or fishing line.

If the length of a piece of string... is any length of string cut from a spool... 'what is the maximum length of a piece of a piece of string' or 'how much string is on a spool'?

100 metres seems to be the length of a spool of gardeners cotton Discuss:How_long_is_a_piece_of_string...we are not talking about jute twine here!So the maximum length of a piece of string would be 999.99mm!So the real answer to 'how long is a piece of string?' would be...anything between 0.01mm to 999.99mm.

How thick one piece of paper?

100 meters

If a piece of string is 8.5 meter long and you cut the string into the centimeter lenght how many pieces would there be?

1 metre = 100 centimetres. You now have all the information required to answer the question..

How many yards is 100 meters?

100 meters = 109.36 yards (rounded)

How many meters are in a hectameter?

There are 100 meters in a hectameter.

How do you find the length in cm's if length of piece is given in meters?

Divide it by 100.

How many kilometers are in 100 meters?

1 kilometer = 1000 meters 100 kilometers = 100 x 1000 meters = 100,000 meters

How many killometers in 100 meters?

100 meters = 0.1 killometers

How many meters is 100 000 mm?

100,000mm = 100 meters

How many mm are in a 100 meters?

100 meters is 100,000 millimeters.

How many miles are in 100 meters?

100 meters = 0.0621371192 miles.