48 oz (1lb / 16oz) = 3lb
There are 291.66667 pennyweights (dwt) in one pound.
0.0022046.... pounds in a gram.
There are 16oz in a pound, with this information I now expect you to work this out for yourself. How many 16s are there in 48?
2 cups ( 16 ounces ) equals a pound.
48 oz (1lb / 16oz) = 3lb
About 453,592mg per pound.
1 pound is approximately 0.45 kilograms.
how many pt are in 48oz
How many ounces equals one pound? 16
1 lb = 16 oz 16(oz) x 3(lb) = 48 oz 48oz = 48oz So the answer is no. 3lb is not greater than 48oz
16 ounces equals a pound, 5 pounds would be 80 ounces.
0.1 pound = 1.6 ounces