To determine how many times 70 can go into 300, you would divide 300 by 70. The result of this division is approximately 4.2857. Since you cannot have a fraction of a division in this context, you would consider the whole number part of the result. Therefore, 70 can go into 300 approximately 4 times.
300 divided by 4 equals 75 !
300 ÷ 5 = 60
There are 300.
300/75 = 4
4, with 44 left over.
Yes 300/4 = 75
4, remainder 12
The answer is 6. If 2 50s go into 100 then + another 100 that's 4 50s, then + 2 more then that's' simply 300.
Yes, 75 times.
300 divided by 4 equals 75 !
300 ÷ 5 = 60
300/2 = 150 times
300 ÷ 49 = 6 with remainder 6.
300 weeks is 69 1/4 months.