275 square feet is 39,600 square inches divided by 8 square inches is 4950 of them. Get 5000 to be safe.
i cant give you an answer with out know how big the tiles are sorry :(
157 18 by 18 tiles are needed to cover 352 square feet.
You would need a total of 36 tiles to cover that area.
If the floor tiles are measured in inches and the room is measured in feet then the tiles are 1sq feet and the room is 6x8 = 48 sq feet so you would need 48 tiles.
This depends on the width and height of the room, any parts of the room missing error rate in cutting tiles. desired layout.
291.43 tiles
i cant give you an answer with out know how big the tiles are sorry :(
You will need 233 30x30cm tiles to cover the room.
157 18 by 18 tiles are needed to cover 352 square feet.
You would need a total of 36 tiles to cover that area.