(5+5)x(5+5)x(5+5)=1000 and that only uses 6. If you want exactly 9 5's to equal 1000 - (5+5)x(5+5)x(5x5)+((5-5)x5)=1000
1000 / 7 = 142.85142 7's are in 1000
it s 243..
The answer is 1000/5 = 200. You seem to be unaware of the fact that you could have obtained the answer much more easily and quickly by using the calculator that comes as part of your computer.
the answer is 100
111 numbers between 5 and 1000 are divisible by 9
There are 100 x 10 in 1000
1000 ÷ 5 = 200