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How many miles per day to dirve 1500 miles in 3 days?

Average 500. If you dirve less than 500 miles on any one day, you have to make it up on another day. But the average has to be 500 per day.

How many grams of sodium per day?

500 The RDA recommended amount of sodium per day for healthy nutrition is 1,500 mg.

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between 50 kilograms to 500 kilograms

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How many people a day did the black death kill during the renaissance?

estimated daily tolls: october-December 1347 paris: 800 per day Pisa: 500 per day Vienna: 600 per day Avignon: 400 per day

How many animals die from abuse in minnesota?

Probably around 500-1,000 per day.

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How many babies do oysters have?

the American Oyster lays an average of 500 million eggs per year.

When you eat 2400 calories a day how many more calories are needed to gain a pound?

Add 500 calories per day to gain 1 pound per week.

How many calories per day should one eliminate in order to lose 1lb per week?

One should eliminate about 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound each week.

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the average person looks in the mirror between 100 and 500 times a day

How many miles do you have to drive to get per diem?

Per diem (Latin for day) is a payment for a day - not related to time or distance. It is usually a fixed amount "per day". So if you drive 50 miles or 500 miles you'll get the same amount.