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To determine how many 5 pence coins are in 14 pence, you simply divide 14 by 5. The result is 2 with a remainder of 4. This means you can have 2 five pence coins with 4 pence left over.

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Q: How many 5 pences are in 14?
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10, thats like, 1st grade math:D

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Is Skottish money called Pences?

NO Scottish money is not called pences England money is called pences.

How many 5 pences are there in 16 pounds?

1 pound = 100 pence. You now have all the information required to work out, for yourself, the answer to this and similar questions.

How many pences in a dollar?

As of 21st June 2009, $1 = £0.61 (61p)

How many 1 pences make 12 pounds?

1,200 = 12 x 100

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What fraction is 5 pence of a pound?

There are 20 5 pences in 1 pound, so 5p is one 20th or 1/20 of a pound. 1/20 is the same as 0.05.

How many 2 pences are in a pound?

There are 100 Pence to the British Pound, so there are 50 x 2 Pence in a British Pound.

How many times does 5 go into 70?

70 ÷ 5 = 14

How many pound coins are in 28 pound 50 pence?

its obvious there are 28 pound coing and 50 pences! gotta check your maths next time!