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Q: How many 7 folds in 10 selections?
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A musician plans to perform 5 selections for a concert if he can choose from 9 different selections how many ways can he arrange his program?

9*8*7*6*5=15,120 ways There are 9 selections to choose from for the first song, 8 for the second, 7 for the third, 6 for the fourth, and 5 for the fifth.

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How many types of napkin folds?

There are many types of napkin folds, but some popular ones include the basic rectangle fold, the pyramid fold, the bishop's hat fold, and the fan fold. Each fold creates a unique presentation for the table setting.

A pH of 10 is how many times as basic as a pH of 7?

1,000 to solve: 10=10-10 while 7= 10-7 divide 10=10-10 by 7= 10-7 which yields the answer of 10-10+7= 103 which is 1,000

What is the limit of even folds you can fold in a piece of paper?

7-8 times

How many less than 10 is 7?

10 - 7 = 3

How many dime is 7 10?

7/10 dimes = 0.7 dime.

If you have 7 feet 10 inches how many inches is it?

7' 10" = 94"

How many different 7-digit telephone members are possible if the first digit can not be zero and no digit repeat?

There are 10 possible numbers that can be chosen. Since the first digit can't be 0, there are 9 selections for the first digit. The second number can include a 0, but can't include the first number chosen, so there are 9 selections for the second digit. Then there are 8 digits for the next number, 7 digits for the next number, and so on. Total telephone numbers are: 9*9*8*7*6*5*4 = 544320 phone numbers.

How many hundredths in 7 tenths?

(7/10)/(1/100) = 700/10 = 70

10 feet 7 inches is how many inches?

10 x 12 + 7