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Q: How many 94 pound bags of portland cement needed to fill a hole 8 inches round and 10 foot deep?
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What is the Volume of cement in a 94 pound bag of portland cement?

1 94-pound bag of cement is approximately equal to 1 cubic foot.

How many cubic yards of cement will you have to use for 1248 Sq Ft?

Cubic feet needed is the thickness is 4 inches:416Cubic yards:15.3660 pound bags92580 pound bags 694

How many 94 pound bags of portland cement needed for a yard of concrete?

Depending on the use of the concrete, between 5-6 bags.

Is cement a product or commodity?

It can be both, depending on packaging. By "cement" you're talking plain ol' Portland Cement for making concrete, correct? In bulk it's a commodity; in 94-pound bags it's a product.

How many 80 pound bags of cement for 1 cubic yard of 41 mortar mix?

You would need 31, 80 pound bags to cover 1 cubic yard at 4 inches deep. If you would like the depth to be 6 inches, 45 bags would be needed.

How many bags of cement would be needed for a cubic yard of concrete?

Forty five 80 pound bags of cement are needed to make one cubic yard of concrete.

Is cement a rock?

From the Portland Cement Association:Bricklayer Joseph Aspdin of Leeds, England first made portland cement early in the 19th century by burning powdered limestone and clay in his kitchen stove. By this crude method he laid the foundation for an industry which annually processes literally mountains of limestone, clay, cement rock, and other materials into a powder so fine it will pass through a sieve capable of holding water. Cement is so fine that one pound of cement contains 150 billion grains.So, I think you could say that cement is a rock (limestone) derivative.

Which has more dense a pound of rice or a pound of cement?

A pound of rice and a pound of cement have the same weight, as they both weigh one pound. However, cement is more dense than rice because it takes up less volume for the same weight.

How much is lbs of cement in mm?

Doesn't work. Pounds is weight, millimeter is length. There is no conversion or translation avaliable between them. You might as well ask for inches in a pound.

How much is price per pound of cement?

The price per pound of cement can vary depending on factors such as location, supplier, and quantity purchased. On average, it can range from $0.10 to $0.20 per pound.

Why is a pound of cement more dense than a pound of rice?

Refer to the definition of density: density = mass / volume. Also, each substance has its characteristic density, independent of its size. A pound of cement will have the same density as a ton of cement. And cement is more dense than rice, regardless of how big a chunk of each you take.

Which is more dense a pound of rice or a pound of cement?

A pound of rice is more dense than a pound of cement because rice takes up more volume for the same weight due to its smaller individual grains and less compact structure compared to cement. Density is calculated by mass/volume, so the denser the material, the more mass it has in a given volume.