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Q: How many Americans are between the ages of eighteen and thirty?
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What are some actors between the ages of sixteen and eighteen?

Selena Gomez or Justin bieber

How many people live in Canada and are between the ages of sixteen and eighteen?

I am soo sorry but i really dont know!

If someone is eighteen what age is the youngest to date?

16 because there sould'nt be more than 2 years between your ages

Population of Americans between the ages of 18-65?

As of 2020, the estimated population of Americans between the ages of 18-65 is around 213 million. This age range represents the working-age population in the United States.

As a result of the draft law 900000 young men between the ages of were inducted into the armed forces?

Men between the ages of 18 and 35 were drafted. Women were not drafted but 350,000 women did join the forces.

What is the pulse rate for a man between the ages of thirty and forty?

`A good healthy resting rate would be between 65 and 75

Only forty percent of people between the ages of eighteen and twenty four read daily newspaper what is the percent as a fraction in simplest form?

two fifths

What group of Americans make up the largest percentage of new smokers?

According to research, the largest percentage of new smokers in the United States are young adults between the ages of 18-25. This age group tends to be more susceptible to peer pressure, experimentation, and stress, which can potentially lead to smoking initiation.

How do Middle Ages relate to the Japanese Americans?

Japanese Americans were not existent in the middle ages. Even America was nonexistent in the middle ages.

The most common instrument in the world?

The most common instrument played by children between the ages of five and eighteen is the piano. guitar comes in second but it is definitely the piano!

As a result of the draft law over 900000 young men between the ages of were inducted into the armed forces.?

Twenty-one to Thirty-six

How old do youhe Hunger Games have to be to get in the Hunger Games?

You have to be through the ages of twelve and eighteen.