Standard bath is taken to be 20 gallons at 8.35 pounds per gallon and 60 degrees F of heating = 10,000 BTU per bath in round numbers, assuming 100% efficiency water heating.
A 2.5 ton A/c is the same as 30,000 BTU's 1 ton = 12,000 BTU's
Yes, usually. 100 watts equates to about 341.21 BTU per hour.
The amount of BTU's per square foot varies. The BTU's per ft2 in my area is 30-35. In your area there might be more or less. For reference sake... Btu's are not used in Metric settings, Joules are used. 1 btu = 11356 joule Contact a HVAC tech in your area. They can tell you the recommended BTU or JOULE rating for your area with the use of a manual known as a "J manual" +++ To be proper, BTU should be all capitals as in the first sentence, though correct abbreviations are very awkward to use in many Microsoft applications!
Heating units are not measured in tons as AC units are. Heating capacity is referred to in 1000`s of btu output per hour of operation. The ratio of input vs output = the efficiency rating, for example if your home furnace is rated at 100,000 btu per hour input and 80,000 btu per hour output . it is 80% efficient (when it was new). For AC 12.000 btu = 1 ton.
1 ton = rate of heat absorption to melt 1 ton of ice in 24 hours =12,000 BTU per hour = 3,516 watts.
114,000 BTU/gallon
2500 btu per cubic foot of vapor.
For regular gasoline, 125,000 BTU per US gallon
12,000 btu = 0ne ton
One BTU per second is 1.434 hp
65,000 BTU per hour equates to 19.05 kW
Propylene has a lower heating value of approximately 21,500 BTU per gallon.
Propane = 91,600 btu per gallon
20 btu per square foot
1 ton of heating is equal to 12,000 BTU per hour.
1 kW is equal to 3412 BTU per hour.