In order to find a heat load more information is necessary e.g. ceiling height; window sized and quality; insulation in walls, floors, foundation, ceilings; location and elevation
Warning: "Rules of thumb" in heat load analysis, are useless to the layman.
2 of them.
Two of them
2 significant figures.
Specific heat for aluminium = 0.214 Heat required = 38.2 x 0.214 x (275 - 102) = 1414.24 calories
4400 grams is approximately 10 (9.70034) pounds.
There are 2.2 pounds in 1 kg, so 4400 pounds is equal to 2000 kg.
2 of them.
4.4 tons
4.4 km
440 hectograms.
Two of them
334.8 Joules
2 significant figures.
This heat is 32,48 joules.
This heat is 51, 33 cal.