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Q: How many C13-NMR signals would you expect to see in acetylferrocene and 1.1 diacetylferrocene?
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How many C13-NMR signals would you expect to see in acetylferrocene?

You would expect to see three distinct C13-NMR signals in acetylferrocene: two from the aromatic ring carbons and one from the acetyl group.

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You can make a few sentences from the word expect. The 5 sentences you can make are: I expect you to do better, I expect you to have your homework, I expect you to listen to me, I expect you to do your chores and I expect you to go to sleep.

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No. Canadian current is 115 volts 60 cycles, French is 230 volts 50 cycles. Also, Canadian televisions expect a NTSC analog signal or ATSC digital signal. France uses SECAM analog and DVB digital signals. So even if you could get power for the set, it wouldn't be able to view any French television signals.

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Are US digital televisions compatible with the Japanese standards?

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What is to expect?

expect something that is unexpected