At the current (2013/01/22 at 04:56 UTC) exchange rate of 1.00 USD = 0.991826 CAD,
25 USD = 25 x 0.991826 CAD
= 24.79 CAD
But if you are exchanging currency you will get charged commission on the exchange, either directly as a percentage (subject to a minimum) or by the exchange rate you get being less than the above, or both*.
*Those places offering "commission free" exchanges are technically lying: if they were truly commission free, if you were to exchange 100 of your local currency into a foreign currency and back again, you should end up with exactly 100 of your local currency (± a few of 0.01 due to rounding errors); however, you should notice the exchange rates are not the same for buying and selling, meaning that you will end up with [significantly] less than 100, and you HAVE been charged commission - just not as a separate fee.
About 100.77 Japanese Dollars (Yen)= 1 American Dollar.
(Canadian)$1.37 = 1 Euro
700 cents equal 7 dollars.
65 thousand Canadian dollars is 0.065 million Canadian dollars. If you wanted an answer in terms of another currency you need to specify which one - I am not going to guess. And make sure you specify the country as well. Many countries use currencies with the same names - eg dollars, or pounds.
i think Canadian money is two dollars less than us money
The Rouble (Russian) is worth $0.03 Canadian Dollars (three Cents)
675,000 British pounds equal 416,409.53 American dollars.
As of 5th July 2009, $10 (Canadian) = 6.17 Euros
492.12 dollars
14.5 dollars
Today, 22 June,2014, 370 Euros is equal to 540.678 Canadian Dollars.
There are about 40 Canadian dollars in 200 norwegian krona. So about 40 dollars American.