

Best Answer

When you're talking about units, there are 1 million micro-anythings in a whole one,

so one micro-anything contains one millionth (0.000001) of a whole one.

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Q: How many Kelvin are there in one micro-kelvin?
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How many Kelvin is 100 Celsius?

373.15 Kelvin.

Is one celsius five-ninths of one kelvin?

No - 1 Celsius is 274 Kelvin. Zero degrees Kelvin (absolute zero) is -273 C

Does one degree kelvin equal one degree Celsius?

1 kelvin = -272.15 degrees Celsius.

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Kelvin = Celsius + 273 278 Kelvin = 5 Celsius

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200 kelvin = -99.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

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1 degree Celsius = 274.15 Kelvin

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130 kelvin = -225.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

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To convert celsius to kelvin just add 273.15 degrees kelvin = 351.85 + 273.15 = 625 degrees Kelvin

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Those two words are units of completely different physical quantities. Neither of them can be converted to the other one. The question is exactly the same as asking "How many gallons equal one week ?"

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80.6 degrees Fahrenheit = 300.15 kelvin