If you're not going to tell us what numbers are in the box, we can't help you.
US Bingo is 75 numbers. However, most of the world plays 90 number Bingo.
The numbers are 11 and 10.
None :) You only gave us 4 numbers!
Sqrt(1776) = 42.1 (approx) Sqrt(2013) = 44.9 (approx) so the only perfect square numbers in the range are the squares of 43 and 44.
i love ponies. :p
There are thousands of kids that get turned into orphans. There are so many reasons, but some are because the kid's parents get killed and they have no family that want them.
I will donate pillowcases to a US nonprofit which is sewing dresses for Ugandan orphans!
about 33%
No one knows exactly how many orphans are in the world because the number changes constantly. Estimates say that about 152 million children are orphaned world-wide.
According to the latest numbers available, the United States has a population of 318,303,000, and Canada has a population of 35,427,524. Australia's population is 23,542,100.
As of 2011 (the latest numbers that have been released), there were a total of 48,068 PhDs awarded in the United States. Of this number, 11,467 PhDs were awarded in the Life Sciences area.
they live in England
Too Many Too Many The latest numbers and still rising is nearly 7000 genetic diseases have been recognized and mapped as to genetic causes. Source is the US Gov genetics site.
the latest figure was approximately 8-10% of the US population
The latest US business news can be found online on websites, such as Reuters, Washington Post and US News Business. The US latest business news are updated every day.