There is only one ace of hearts, but there is also an ace of clubs, an ace of diamonds and an ace of spades.
The probability is 0 if you pick the the card from one end of a mint pack (2 of clubs) and 1 if you pick it from the other end (A spades). Also, if you pick 49 cards without replacement, the probability is 1. So, the answer depends on how many cards are drawn, and whether or not they are drawn from a well shuffled pack. The probability of getting an ace when one card is randomly picked from a pack is 4/52 = 1/13.
There is only one ace of hearts, but there is also an ace of clubs, an ace of diamonds and an ace of spades.
A standard pack of Playing cards has 13 cards of each suit. There are 13 club cards in a deck (Ace-10, Jack, Queen, King).
Card decks have four suits - two black ones (spades and clubs) and two red ones (hearts and diamonds). Therefore, there are two red anythings in a deck.
4. ace of clubs, ace of diamonds, ace of spades and ace of hearts
you have a 1/13 chance of getting an ace in a pack of cards
There are four aces in a 52 deck of cards. One is the ace of spades! One is the ace of clubs, one is the ace of hearts, and one is the ace of diamonds.
There is 1 queen of hearts in a pack of 52 cards. The deck has 52 cards. There are 4 suits in a deck of cards : Spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. In each one these suits in the deck of cards there is Ace, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Jack, Queen, King so the deck goes like this Ace of hearts, 2 of hearts, 3 of hearts and so forth...
Spade: 1 in 4 Ace: 1 in 13