The area of Nebraska is 49,506,640 acres (77,354 sq mi = 77,354 x 640 acres = 49,506,560 acres).
Omaha, Nebraska covers an area of approximately 133.41 square miles, which is equivalent to about 85,382 acres.
Between the two states listed; Nebraska, with 10 million acres planted in 2012, as opposed to PA with only 1.4 million acres planted in 2012. However, NE is only in third place; Illinois planted 12.8 million acres, and Iowa planted 14.2 million acres.
In 2009, according to the USDA, Nebraska's biggest crop by far was corn for grain production, with over 9 million acres planted.
.97 acres.
Exactly 0.459 acres.
How many acres are in the UK
1.171 acres.
1,469.24 acres.
About 158,000,000 acres.
about 746,880,000 acres