Usually 160 acres.
Acres are a measurement of area and kilometers are used to measure length. Two dissimilar terms can not be equated with each other.
There are 43,560 square feet in one acre. Therefore, 43,560 times 165 acres = 7,187,400 square feet. I have known and used this conversion factor for years, but just to be sure, I verified it at the website given above.
If a lot contains 5 acres and is 170 ft. wide and one assumes that it is a rectangle, the following formula can be used: 43,560 sq. ft. per acre X 5 acres = 217,800 sq. ft. per 5 acres. Then divide the number of square ft by the width to get the length: 217,800 sq ft. / 170 ft. = 1,281.2 ft. long. Note: elevation changes can interfere with surface measurements and assumptions.
Earth has about 14.7 billion acres (5.9 billion hectares) of cultivable land. However, only a portion of this land is currently used for agriculture due to factors like climate, terrain, and infrastructure.
Usually 160 acres.
Mexico is widely believed to be an arid country, but this is not the case. It has a vast territory, where almost 12% is used for agriculture. This means 232,761 square kilometers (89,869 sq mi), which are almost the size of the whole United Kingdom, are used to grow food and cash crops.
40 hectares is equivalent to approximately 99 acres. It is a relatively large area, often used in agriculture or land measurement.
An hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters or approximately 2.47 acres. It is a commonly used unit of land measurement in agriculture and real estate.
A farm in Kansas must have a minimum of 20 acres used for agricultural operations.
Limestone is the most valuable rock mined in Indiana. It is used for various purposes, including construction, agriculture, and as a raw material for manufacturing cement and other products. Indiana limestone is particularly renowned for its durability and aesthetic appeal.
Indiana's most valuable rock mined is limestone. It is widely used in construction, road building, and agriculture. The state is renowned for its high-quality limestone deposits that have been quarried for centuries.
Acres are used for measuring area, while kilometers are used for measuring distance. These two units can't be converted between one to another.
The answer depends on the unit used for the measurement given in the question.
3000 hectares is equivalent to 30 square kilometers (km²) or 7,413 acres. It is a significant land area that can be used for various purposes such as agriculture, forestry, or conservation.