300' by 800' is 5.50964 acres.
221.3 ft * 300 ft = 66390 sq ft = 1.524 acres (to 3 dp)
150 ft x 815 ft = 2.81 acres, approx.
Answer: 13,500 ft² = 0.309917 acres.
300 ft * 150 ft = 45000 sq ft = 1.033 acres (approx)
43,560 sq ft = 1 acre 150' x 300' = 45,000 sq ft = 1.0331 acre (rounded)
300' by 800' is 5.50964 acres.
260' x 300' is 1.79 acres.
120 ft * 150 ft = 18000 sq ft = 0.413 acres (to 3 dp)
150 ft * 350 ft = 52500 sq feet = 1.21 acres, approx.
To convert 300 feet by 150 feet to acres, you'd first calculate the total area in square feet (45,000 sq ft). Finally, divide the square footage by the number of square feet in an acre (43,560 sq ft), yielding approximately 1.03 acres.
1 acre = 43560 sq ft 1000 ft x 300 ft = 300000 sq ft = 300000 ÷ 43560 acres = 6322/363 acres ≈ 6.887 acres
221.3 ft * 300 ft = 66390 sq ft = 1.524 acres (to 3 dp)
150 ft x 815 ft = 2.81 acres, approx.