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1440 Acres

1.5 miles by 1.5 miles is equivalent to 2.25 square miles which can be converted into 1440 acres see link for the conversion using Google calculator

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Q: How many acres in a lot one half mile by one half mile?
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How many acers are there in a lot half mile by a half a mile?

The would be an area of 160 acres.

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That all depends on the shape of the lot. But, if the lot was a perfect square, you would need 5,280 feet (one mile) of fence to surround 40 acres.

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That depends on the shape of the lot. However, the perimeter of a 2.5-acre square lot is 1,320 feet or 1/4 mile.

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Not enough information. The lake's area will depend a lot on its exact shape - for the same perimeter you can get different areas.

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To convert the dimensions from feet to acres, the lot size will be 0.155 acres.

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