What sort of unit are you thinking of? A hectare (10,000 sq meters), a square mile, or some other unit?
Miles are a unit of length/distance whereas acres is unit of area. You cannot convert between the two.If you mean how many square miles are in 4.5 acres:4.5 acres = 0.007 mi2
The unit 'acre' is a unit not of length, but of area, meaning that 30 acres does not convert to feet, but to square feet. Therefore, 30 acres is equivalent to 1,306,800 square feet.
no, Acres is an Imperial Unit for the measure of area. The metric unit for area is the square meter.
Rephrase and resubmit. Feet are a unit of length, and acres are a unit of area. Do you mean square feet? Do you mean 1/16 of an acre or 16 acres?
Foot is a unit of distance, acre a unit of area !
Miles are a unit of length/distance whereas acres is unit of area. You cannot convert between the two.If you mean how many square miles are in 4.5 acres:4.5 acres = 0.007 mi2
There is no such unit as "square acre"."Acre" is a unit of area. There are 640 acres in a section (1 square mile).
You can convert acres, which is a unit of area, to square feet, but not to feet.
An acre is a unit of area; a foot is a unit of distance.
none. A mile is a unit of length. An acre is a unit of area.
Can't say... Acres are a unit of surface and yards are a unit of length. They can't be converted into each other.
The unit 'acre' is a unit not of length, but of area, meaning that 30 acres does not convert to feet, but to square feet. Therefore, 30 acres is equivalent to 1,306,800 square feet.
A mile is a unit of length; an acre is a unit of area. You can't convert between the two. A square mile is 640 acres. If this is what you want, divide the acres by 640 to obtain miles.
A metre is a unit of distance. An acre is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.However, if you meant square meters (a unit of area measurement), then the answer is 36,421.707802 square meters.
yes acres is a unit of length, it is used for land distance
no, Acres is an Imperial Unit for the measure of area. The metric unit for area is the square meter.
1.75 acres is a unit of area, not distance, so it cannot be directly converted to miles. The distance covered by 1.75 acres depends on the shape and dimensions of the land.