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That can depend a lot on your activity during the day.

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Q: How many adrenaline rushes do you get a day?
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What sports are known for causing adrenaline rushes?

Sports that give adrenaline rushes are commonly called extreme sports. Rock climbing, racing, fighting, rafting, and stunts featured on X games can cause adrenaline rushes for participants.

If you don't use the adrenaline given to you through an adrenaline rush how can it be bad for you?

Studies show that repeated stress with subsequent "adrenaline rushes" can cause injury to the heart and blood vessels.

Do all people get adrenaline rushes?

Yes, but some people can control it more than others. People get adrenaline rushes when they are anxious/scared/angry, but adrenaline rushes are really tripped when someones pulse exceeds 180 (I'm not for sure about that, but I think so). People who can control their emotions can control their adrenaline rushes better than someone who is emotionally attached, but people emotionally attached will often overuse that adrenaline as well. Don't mistake adrenaline for a typically good thing. Adrenaline often triggers superhuman strength for a brief time, and we would normally be able to use this power when we desired. The problem with this is actually the brain. The brain does not allow you to use this strength for daily use, and adrenaline will keep your brain from thinking straight, and mainly focus on a goal or a rational outcome. It is acting as an emergency brake. If you used that superhuman strength when you wanted, then you would cause serious damage to your body, and that is why adrenaline should only be used when in danger or other necessary times.

Why do people skydive?

People skydive because they are bored

Why does your side tingle after a hug from a guy you really like?

because you're excited and your heart rate speeds up. the adrenaline rushes to your sides, so they tingle.

What is a sentence with the word rushes?

"Bob rushes to work every day, eager to arrive first and claim the bacon maple donut." "The pond was surrounded with luxurious green rushes."

Why do you play hockey?

I play hockey because its fun, dangerous which gives you adrenaline rushes and its quite a hard sport to play so once your good at it you can own people at school :)

A structural model of adrenaline is shown below. How many hydrogen atoms are in adrenaline?

There are 53 hydrogen atoms in adrenaline.

How many syllables are in adrenaline?

Adrenaline has four syllables: a-dren-a-line.

Can you get addicted to feeling pain?

Yes, I suppose you could. I guess it is similar to being addicted to adrenaline rushes.

How many hydrogen in adrenaline?

There are 10 hydrogen atoms in a molecule of adrenaline.

What would happen if the human body had no adrenaline rushes?

You wouldn't be able to enter the fight or flight response and alot more people both past, present, and future would die becasue of it.