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A parallelogram has 4 sides and 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

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Q: How many angles and lines is a parallelogram?
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Is a parallelogram always have 4 right angles?

A parallelogram does not have to be four right angles. A parallelogram is a four sided shape with two parallel lines.

Why is a kite not a parallelogram?

A kite is not a parallelogram because the parallelogram's angles are tilted and a kite isn't.

How many parallel and perpendicular lines are in a parallelogram?

A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel lines and in the form of a rectangle it has 2 pairs of parallel lines and 4 perpendicular lines that meet at each of its corners at right angles.

Explain why a rectangle is always a parallelogram but a parallelogram is not always a rectangle?

A rectangle consists of two pairs of parallel lines which means that it is a parallelogram. However, the angles of a parallelogram need not be right angles, so all parallelograms are not right angles.

A shape with no right angles and 1pair of parallel lines?


What shape has 4 straigtht lines and no right angles?

A parallelogram

How many right angles are in a parallelogram?

There are no right angles in a parallelogram. A parallelogram only has right angles if it is a rectangle, in which case it has exactly four.

How many equal angles does a parallelogram have?

a parallelogram has two pairs of equal angles

How many right angles parallelogram have?

Parallelogram have 4 right angles. (because, square and rectangle is also parallelogram)

Name the quadrilateral which has opposite angles equal but no lines of symmetry?


What is a parallelogram with four equal sides and angles?

A has four equal sides and all the angles are 90degrees. it has 2 pairs of parallel lines which makes it a parallelogram.

How many angles have a parallelogram?

A parallelogram has four interior angles that add up to 360 degrees