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A pentagon has five angles and an octagon has eight angles.

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Q: How many angles does a pentagon and an octagon have?
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An octagon is larger than a pentagon?

An octagon has more sides and angles than a pentagon. An octagon is a polygon with eight sides and eight angles and a pentagon is a polygon with five sides and five angles.

What is the sum of the interior angles in the square pentagon and octagon State the polygon and then the sum?

Square = 360 Pentagon = 540 Octagon = 1080

Which shape has 3 more angles than a pentagon?

An octagon

How many angles does a pentagon and a octagon equal?

A pentagon has five sides and angles, and an octagon has eight sides and angles. Together this adds up to a total of 13 angles. One trick to remember how many angles and sides a polygon has is to look at the Latin roots. For example penta- is a prefix meaning five and octa- is a prefix signifying eight.

How are a pentagon and a octagon alike and different?

They are alike because their exterior angles add up to 360 degrees They are different because the interior angles of a pentagon add up to 540 degrees and the interior angles of an octagon add up to 1080 degrees

What shape has five sides and 5 angles?

A shape with 5 sides and 5 angles is a pentagon.

How many more sides does and octagon have than a pentagon?

Three, a pentagon has five sides an octagon has eight.

How many more does pentagon have than a octagon?

A pentagon has 5 sides whereas an octagon has 8 sides

How many angles are in a pentagon?

There are 5 angles in a pentagon.

How many angles does a octagon have rhombus?

An octagon has 8 angles. A rhombus has 4 angles.

How many angles octagon?

There are 8 equals side and angles in octagon.

How many angles or in a octagon?

An Octagon has 8 Sides and 8 angles.