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Q: How many angles does a scapula have?
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What is the descriptive form of scapula?

The scapula is a flat, triangular-shaped bone situated on the upper back. It has three borders (superior, medial, and lateral) and three angles (superior, inferior, and lateral). The scapula articulates with the clavicle and humerus to form the shoulder joint.

How many bones in your scapula?


How many bones in scapula?


How many bones connect the torso to the arm?

Gleno-humeral joint (scapula to humerus) Claviculo-acromial joint (clavicle to acromion of scapula) Sternoclavicular joint (attaches clavicle to sternum) Scapula articulates with the back of the chest so bones humerus (in the arm), clavicle sternum and scapula

What does the frog scapula do?

The frog doesn't have a scapula

What muscle doesnt connect to the scapula?

The heart and many others.

Ware is your scapula?

Your scapula is your shoulder-blade. The scapula only connects at the clavicle and is held in place by muscles.

What muscle group is your scapula from?

The scapula is not a muscle; it is a bone.

Can a winged scapula be treated?

can scapula winging be treated

Defition of the scapula bone?

The scapula is your shoulder blade.

What is the plural of scapula?

The plural of scapula is scapulas or scapulae.

Which does not belong ischium scapula ilium pubis?

Scapula does not belong. The ischium, ilium, and pubis are bones of the pelvis, while the scapula is a bone of the shoulder girdle.